Sustainable Potential of the Salton Sea: The Renewable Resources Specific Plan

A Comprehensive Guide to the Salton Sea Renewable Resources Specific Plan and its Impact on the Region

The Salton Sea Renewable Resources Specific Plan (SSRRSP) is a visionary effort underway to create a sustainable future for the Salton Sea and its surrounding communities. With a focus on renewable energy and sustainable resource management, the SSRRSP is set to revolutionize the way we use natural resources in the area, helping to rejuvenate the local economy and protect the environment. In this blog, we will dive deep into the Salton Sea Renewable Resources Specific Plan to understand its objectives, timeline, and where you can find more information.

What is the Salton Sea Renewable Resources Specific Plan?

The Salton Sea Renewable Resources Specific Plan is an ambitious initiative developed by the state of California aimed at transforming the region surrounding the Salton Sea into an innovative hub for green and renewable energy. Primarily driven by the need to address the ecological crisis arising at the lake and revitalize the local economy, the SSRRSP envisions safe and sustainable development in the region.

The plan identifies the untapped potential in renewable resources like geothermal energy, solar power, wind power, and bioenergy that can spur economic growth and create employment opportunities in the area. It also considers strategies for sustainable resource management and lays out a blueprint for future investments and collaboration between private and public entities.

Where Can You Find the Salton Sea Renewable Resources Specific Plan?

The full Salton Sea Renewable Resources Specific Plan document is accessible online through the California Energy Commission website. The plan is provided as a PDF file, providing all the relevant information on the project goals, objectives, strategies, implementation, financing, and regulatory framework. It also includes detailed maps and graphics, which help visualize the potential area, scale, and impact of the proposed renewable resource projects.

You can find the plan here:

The Salton Sea Renewable Resources Specific Plan Timeline

The SSRRSP is a long-term initiative, with a timeline extending over several years. Here are some of the critical milestones of the plan:

– 2013: The planning process is initiated by the California Energy Commission, with collaboration from other state agencies and local stakeholders.
– 2015-2016: Development of the plan and the environmental impact assessment begins, including extensive stakeholder engagement sessions and public input.
– 2018: The environmental impact analysis is completed and released for public review and comment.
– 2020: The plan is finalized and approved, paving the way for implementation.
– 2021 onwards: Renewable energy projects, as identified in the SSRRSP, will begin to materialize, contributing to the sustainable growth and development of the Salton Sea region.


The Salton Sea Renewable Resources Specific Plan is a groundbreaking initiative that aims to harness the immense potential of the Salton Sea region in terms of renewable energy sources. It not only offers an opportunity to address the ecological challenges faced by the Salton Sea ecosystem but also expects to create a new future for the communities living in the area, with economic growth and increased job opportunities. By staying informed about the SSRRSP and its development, you can stay up-to-date on the progress toward a more sustainable future for the Salton Sea and its inhabitants